Whistleblower laki Finland

Whistleblower-laki: The EU Whistleblowing Directive in Finland

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Helena Jezkova

1 min read

Finland’s Whistleblower Act went into effect on January 1st, 2023. Private sector employers with at least 250 employees and public sector employers with 50 or more employees will be required to set up a whistleblowing channel by April 1st, 2023. 

Private sector organizations with 50-249 employees will have until December 17th, 2023 to put a whistleblowing channel in place. 

The Finnish government will allow certain organizations to have joint whistleblowing channels that receives notifications, verifies their validity and/or carries out investigations to ascertain their validity. However, this does not excuse individual organizations from their legal obligations. 

Finally, the Office of the Chancellor of Justice in Finland established an external reporting channel for whistleblowers on the 1st of January 2023.

Is your organization ready for the new Finnish law?  

Finland's new whistleblowing law went into effect on January 1st, 2023, meaning that all companies with 250 employees or more must have whistleblowing channels in place by April 1st.  

Get a secure and anonymous whistleblowing channel to meet the legislative requirements of Finland and help whistleblowers speak up.

Do you need advice on how to effectively introduce a whistleblowing platform in Finland? 

faceup whistleblowing



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Helena Jezkova

1 min read
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