We strive to find the simplest way possible to solve the problem and achieve the goal. FaceUp is also extremely easy to implement and to use.
satisfied clients
countries worldwide
reports sent
Our founders Jan, David, and Pavel witnessed bullying at their school. Aged 17, they created a platform that children could use to report bullying or anything that they or a peer were struggling with, directly to trusted teachers at their school.
In the years following FaceUp's launch, 1,800 schools signed up, submitting 8,000 reports of bullying.
In 2020, the first organizations have begun to show interest in using the platform as a tool for building a healthy company culture. Today, FaceUp software is among the most widely used whistleblowing platforms in the world and is used by thousands of organizations.
We can walk you through the platform's features and answer your whistleblowing questions.