Employee feedback software

Elevate employee engagement and drive organizational success with feedback software


Ry Hallada

8 min read

What is employee feedback software?

Employee feedback software is a tool designed to capture the insights, suggestions, and opinions of your team members, fostering an environment of continuous learning and development. While customer feedback has been a cornerstone of business improvement for decades, forward-thinking companies across the US are increasingly valuing employee input as a critical resource for enhancing their operations and workplace culture. This software enables organizations to tap into their most valuable asset—their employees—to drive innovation, improve processes, and create a more engaging and productive work environment.

A feedback software solution streamlines the process of gathering, organizing, analyzing, and showcasing employee feedback, making it effortless to harness insights for strategic improvement.

Why should your organization collect feedback from its employees?

Benefits for employers:

  • Enhance Training and Development: Employee feedback software enables managers to pinpoint specific training needs and growth opportunities within their teams. It provides a streamlined method for recording and referencing feedback, consolidating all insights in one accessible location.
  • Strategic HR Insights: This tool aids HR departments in transforming feedback into actionable plans. It highlights areas where managers may require additional support or training, contributing to a more effective leadership structure.
  • Reduce Turnover: By addressing concerns and valuing employee feedback, organizations can significantly lower turnover rates, cutting the high costs and productivity losses associated with replacing staff.
  • Internal Resolution: Keeping feedback within the organization minimizes the risk of external grievances, reducing the chance of employees seeking third-party interventions, such as media exposure.
  • Innovative Ideas: A feedback system is an excellent channel for uncovering valuable suggestions and ideas from employees, fostering a culture of innovation and collaborative improvement.
  • Cultivate a Feedback Culture: Implementing a robust feedback system promotes continuous improvement, enhances productivity, and instills a sense of openness and ownership among employees, creating a more dynamic and engaged workplace.

Benefits for employees:

  • Empowerment through Feedback: Employees can both request and provide feedback, anonymously if desired, empowering them to actively participate in their personal and professional development.
  • Recognition and Value: The act of soliciting feedback makes employees feel appreciated and listened to, reinforcing their value to the organization.
  • Openness and Transparency: Working in an environment that encourages feedback signifies a commitment to transparency and open communication, fostering a positive workplace culture.
  • Safe and Anonymous Contributions: The option to submit feedback anonymously ensures that employees can express concerns without fear of retaliation, promoting honesty and constructive criticism.

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Some possible use cases of feedback software

The beauty of feedback software lies in its versatility and the vast potential for customization to meet your company's unique requirements. While the applications are nearly limitless, offering numerous opportunities for innovative use, here are a few examples of how you could leverage this solution to benefit your organization:

  • Employee questionnaires 
  • Employee satisfaction surveys
  • Company culture surveys
  • Company facilities & benefits surveys
  • Onboarding surveys
  • Professional development surveys
  • Performance appraisal surveys
  • Exit surveys
  • Internal Q&A platform

You might wonder, "Why not just use a Google Form for feedback collection?" While that's a viable option, it falls short of offering key functionalities that can significantly enhance the feedback process, such as guaranteed anonymity and the capability for ongoing dialogue.

Advanced feedback platforms, such as FaceUp, elevate the experience by enabling you to establish a comprehensive resource center on specific subjects. This can include uploading FAQs, resource materials, links to webinars, and much more, providing a richer, more engaging environment for feedback and learning.

Top 10 solutions for employee feedback software

G2.com is the go-to source for software reviews, bringing together user ratings to calculate an average score out of 5 for various software options.

Let’s highlight a few of G2's top picks for employee feedback tools. These aren't just the highest-rated on average. Instead, they're the tools that not only receive a lot of positive feedback but also maintain strong overall scores, making them both popular and trusted among users.


Rating: 4.9/5 (61 reviews)

FaceUp is more than just a whistleblowing platform; it's a secure, user-friendly solution that empowers people to speak up with confidence. Reporting wrongdoing with FaceUp is a seamless process, accessible through a website or mobile app in just two clicks. It features customizable reporting forms and advanced report management that is available in 113 languages. By adhering to GDPR requirements, obtaining ISO 27001 certification, and ensuring end-to-end encryption with two-factor authentication, FaceUp stands as a fortress of privacy.

The ease of integration through API with a company's intranet, website, or app means that FaceUp seamlessly becomes a part of the organization's ecosystem. It goes beyond basic compliance with the EU Whistleblowing Directive and Whistleblower Protection Act - it helps create a culture of transparency and integrity. With over 3,000 organizations worldwide placing their trust in FaceUp, it stands out both for its features and its commitment to making the world a better, safer place. 

Whistleblower Software

Rating: 5.0/5 (102 reviews)

Whistleblower Software excels in compliance with the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive for organizations of all sizes. It has a user-friendly interface which makes it an ideal choice for those focused solely on compliance. However, organizations seeking a broader range of features might find other solutions more suitable.


Rating: 4.4 (73 reviews)

AllVoices is an employee relations platform that leverages AI to streamline HR operations. It focuses on improving the employee experience as it is optimized for quick responses. Users rate it for its strong performance in employee engagement and HR case management.


Rating: 4.6/5 (19 reviews)

SpeakUp positions itself as a comprehensive whistleblowing and case management system, with an intuitive and adaptive platform. It's optimized for organizations with complex needs that ensures compliance with multiple international standards. Their users appreciate their focus on security and privacy.

NotMe Solutions

Rating: 4.9/5 (49 reviews)

NotMe Solutions is said to be a highly user-friendly, 2-in-1 whistleblowing and case management platform. It’s known for its effectiveness in addressing sexual harassment, discrimination, and various misconducts. It stands out for its fast implementation and AI-powered report management system that facilitates anonymous reporting and real-time analysis. 

Ethico (formerly ComplianceLine)

Rating: 4.7/5 (45 reviews)

Ethico offers a comprehensive suite of solutions that aims to manage risk and boost healthy corporate cultures through effective whistleblower and case management software. They also include support such as innovative e-learning programs. Ethico excels in providing a human-focused approach, however, it ranks 17th in ease of use within its category, so some users might find alternative solutions with more intuitive interfaces slightly more accessible.

OneTrust Ethics and Compliance Cloud

Rating: 4.1/5 (18 reviews)

OneTrust Ethics and Compliance Cloud (aka Convercent) offers what they call the Trust Intelligence Platform that’s designed to deal with challenges through automation and regulatory guidance. It emphasizes data protection with certifications like ISO 27001/27701 and SOC 2 Type II. Their platform aims to simplify audit preparations with automated evidence collection.


Rating 3.8/ 5 (49 reviews)

NAVEX One offers a unified Governance, Risk, and Compliance Information System (GRC-IS) aimed at enhancing corporate culture through integrity. Their focus is on risk and compliance management. It boasts functionalities including 24/7 hotline support, incident analysis, and IT risk management. 

EQS Integrity Line

Rating: 4.7/ 5 (41 reviews)

EQS Integrity Line offers a secure and anonymous whistleblowing hotline that’s designed for employees to report issues like corruption and harassment. It emphasizes the protection of whistleblowers through encryption and strongly focuses on security and anonymity. 


Rating: 4.9/5 (64 reviews)

Whispli supports compliance officers with a case management system and offers a secure, anonymous reporting channel through mobile apps. It has an emphasis on ease of use, multi-language support, and compliance with international standards. Their users appreciate the comprehensive approach to managing and acting on reports.

Features of good employee feedback software

Remove the administrative work from giving and receiving feedback with reusable, customizable templates.

Make providing feedback secure and easy with anonymity, attachments, and voice messages.

Get all the additional information you need with follow-up communication

Get an overview of the feedback you’ve received with built-in analytics and reporting.

Integrate your feedback software with your other internal tools using an API connection.

Stay up to date with everything with email and other notifications.

Anonymity - why it’s a key part of any feedback software

Exploring the significance of anonymity further, let's focus on why it's an indispensable feature of any employee feedback solution, from both the perspectives of employees and employers:

For Employees:

  • Confidence in Privacy: Anonymity empowers employees to share their feedback without fear of exposure or reprisal, fostering an environment where they feel safe to express genuine concerns and ideas.
  • Freedom to Speak Up: It allows for more open communication about sensitive issues that might be challenging to discuss face-to-face, ensuring that crucial feedback isn't left unsaid.
  • Feeling Valued: Knowing their input is welcomed anonymously helps employees feel respected and acknowledged, enhancing their sense of belonging and value within the company.

For Employers:

  • Increased Engagement: The promise of anonymity encourages more employees to actively participate, significantly boosting the quantity and diversity of feedback gathered.
  • Discover Hidden Insights: Anonymity can unveil unique ideas and highlight issues that might not surface in a non-anonymous setting, offering valuable insights that can drive innovation and solve underlying problems.
  • Cost Savings: Anonymity in feedback mechanisms can lead to substantial financial savings by bringing to light issues like potential theft or fraud early on.
  • Legislative Compliance: It helps ensure that the organization stays in line with relevant laws and regulations, particularly those related to privacy and whistleblower protection.

FaceUp - Embrace a culture of speaking up

Ready to embrace a culture of speaking up within your organization? Experience the transformation firsthand with FaceUp. Sign up for our complimentary 14-day trial and explore how we can support your journey towards a more open and responsive feedback environment. 

Or get in touch with our specialist today to arrange a free demo to see FaceUp employee feedback software in action.

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Ry Hallada

8 min read
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